About Whole Family Approach

Key Components of Well-Being

Well-being is a multifaceted process and lifelong pursuit. An individual’s or family’s well-being isn’t a solo endeavor, and financial, social, mental, and spiritual health depends on a person and family’s context, the resources and opportunities available to them, and the support of others. 2Gen approaches have a robust vision to improve conditions for families by coordinating equitable access to the systems and structures necessary to thrive economically and socially. Ultimately, 2Gen approaches recognize six key components to improve families’ financial stability, social capital, health care, and quality education.

Source: Ascend Aspen Institute

Two-Generation (#2Gen) Approaches Center Whole Families

Child-Focused with Parent & Caregiver Elements

This could include early childhood development with parenting skills; family literacy with health screenings; and/or other child-focused services that also identify ways to support the adults in their lives.

Parent-& Caregiver- Focused with Child Elements

Two-generation (2Gen) approaches build family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives together.

This could include workforce programs offering child care referrals; food and nutrition supports for students parents: and/or other adult-focused services that also identify ways to support their role as parents or caregivers.

The Six Key Components of Two-Generation Approaches

Two-generation (2Gen) approaches build family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives together.

Early Childhood Education

Head Start

Early Head Start

Child Care Partnerships


Home Visiting

Family, Friend, and Neighbor care (FFN)

Social Capital

Peer and family networks


Cohort Strategies


Kindergarten ready

3rd grade reading skills

Parent engagement

Graduation and Postsecondary prep

Postsecondary & Employment Pathways

Community College

Training and credentials

Workforce partnerships

Employer partnerships

Economic Assets

Asset building

Housing and public supports

Financial Capacity


Health, including Mental Health

Mental, physical and behavioral health

Coverage and access to care

Adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress

In accordance with federal civil rights laws, regulations, and policies, Community Action, Inc. is prohibited from discriminating against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, religious creed, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity when providing services.

Community Action, Inc., is an Equal Opportunity Service Provider and an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Source: Ascend Aspen Institute

Transforming Lives, One Step at a Time

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Family & Community Outcomes

1000 SE Hancock St Topeka, KS 785-836-4500

Community Action Early/Head Start

2400 SE Highland Ave Topeka KS, 66605 785-836-4500

Fiscal & Operations

455 SE Golf Park Blvd. Topeka, KS 66605 785-836-4500

Affordable Housing

1000 SE Hancock St., Topeka, KS 785-836-4500

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